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Purdue MBA Classes Move from Porter County to Westville Campus

Purdue-Northwest-colorThe MBA program that is currently offered at the Purdue University North Central Porter County facility will begin meeting at the North Central campus in Westville, beginning June 4.

There are no plans to continue graduate and undergraduate classes at the Porter County facility. Students in the MBA program have been notified of the change, said Henry Williams, assistant professor of Organizational Leadership and interim department chair.

Williams explained that the idea to relocate the MBA classes was thoroughly discussed with students in the program.

“We received overwhelmingly positive support,” Williams said. “We have an increasing number of students from La Porte County and counties further east, as well as from southwest Michigan, so the program will be a bit closer to home for many of our students. Plus, students will have more access to resources such as the library and faculty offices at the North Central campus. With the unification with Purdue Calumet, we are extending the reach of our service area.”

While the current schedule of Saturday MBA classes will continue for students who are currently enrolled in summer classes, there will be a number of attractive scheduling options available in the fall for students who want to earn a Purdue MBA at Purdue Northwest.

The Weekday MBA will be offered Monday through Thursday evenings at the Calumet campus; the Professional MBA will be available on Monday and Thursday evenings at the North Central campus and the Executive MBA will meet at the Calumet campus on Saturdays.

Further information about the Purdue Northwest MBA programs can be obtained by calling 219-989-3150 or by email at mba@pnw.edu.

Purdue University Northwest
With recent approval by the Higher Learning Commission, Purdue University Calumet and Purdue University North Central have unified to become Purdue University Northwest (PNW), a comprehensive regional university within the Purdue University system. PNW welcomes its first class of students this fall. Current students are completing the current spring semester as enrollees of Purdue Calumet in Hammond or Purdue North Central in Westville. Purdue Northwest becomes Indiana’s fifth largest public university, enrolling more than 15,000 students and offering 70+ degree programs.