Portage High School's very own student hosted Radio Shows! Pow Wow Radio, The voice of Portage High School, with Brandon and Morgan every Tuesday from 3-3:30 and Afternoons, the personality of Portage High School, with Collin and Rachel every Thursday from 3-3:30!
April 16th Live Broadcast:
- Portage Indians vs. Hammond Clark
Listen to the broadcast here: {audio}/audio/pow-wow-live-broadcast-april16.mp3{/audio}
April 20th Featuring:
- April 16 Live Broadcast Recap
- Announcement about Live Broadcast April 24
- PHS Trivia Question
- Spotlight: Yearbook Staff
- PHS News
- Pow Wow Students Trip to Ball State
- PHS Sports Recap
Listen to the broadcast here: {audio}/audio/brandon-morgan-april-20.mp3{/audio}
There was no afternoon show April 22.
Tune in this Saturday, April 24, to hear a live broadcast of Portage vs Valparaiso at the Rail Cats Steel Yard!