Home»Health»Seniors»Porter Health System’s Senior Circle Program Presents “Get Off on the Right Foot”

Porter Health System’s Senior Circle Program Presents “Get Off on the Right Foot”

Join Podiatrist Mark Bruell, DPM, as he presents a talk on foot health followed by a free foot screening during Porter Health System’s Senior Circle Program, “Get Off on the Right Foot.” The program will be held from 3 to 4 pm, on Thursday, Sept. 23, at Banta’s Village Park Enrichment Center, 605 Beech St., Valparaiso. Senior_Circle_Logo_porter

Health problems such as arthritis, diabetes, nerve issues, and circulatory problems often show up in the feet first,” said Bruell. “It is really important for seniors to check their feet regularly and see a podiatrist or their primary care physician if they’re experiencing anything unusual.

Porter’s Senior Circle is part of a nationwide organization committed to enriching the lives of adults age 50 and better. Annual membership offers a generous selection of valuable discounts, activities and events, a chapter newsletter, national publication subscription, in-hospital privileges and much more.

The program is free. To register for this program, learn more about Porter’s Senior Circle program or to become a member, call 1.800.541.1861 or visit www.nwiseniorcircle.com. PorterLogonew