Home»Other»Porter County’s Good News

Porter County’s Good News

Hey, Porter County! Here’s some positive news about the wonderful jewel you call home! Beaches, quaint downtowns, terrific schools, wide-open spaces – those are the great things we see around us every day. Here are some things you might not know: Porter_county

  • At 8.6%, Porter County’s Unemployment Rate is lower than any other surrounding county and is 77th out of 92 counties in the State of Indiana.
  • Porter County’s property tax rate has not increased and has in fact flat-lined over the past five years.
  • At $209.00 per person, the Porter County General Fund cost per-capita is lower than any surrounding county and is in the bottom 15 counties in the State of India
  • Of the Counties in the State of Indiana with over 100,000 population, Porter County is fourth from the lowest in cost per capita spending, general fund budget.
  • We are financially solvent as a county.
  • We have been able to accrue hospital proceed interest money without the need to utilize any of it for county budget expenses.


One doesn’t have to look very far to see we’ve got it pretty good here in Porter County!