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Porter County Tennis Group October Calendar

We'd like to welcome tennis players of all skill levels to come join the Porter County Tennis Group!

Our normal schedule is to play drop-in tennis on Saturday mornings from 7:00am for 4.0’s and above then at 8:00am for all levels. We usually play at Valparaiso High School, but occasionally at Valpo University. Check the calendar for more details.

The High School courts can be accessed via the football stadium walkway entrance. At VU, we must park in the south lot at the south end of the tennis courts or you will get a ticket. You can also park across the street on LaPorte Ave.

BRING A FRESH CAN OF BALLS. After each group has played a set, we try to

We also do drop-in tennis on Monday evenings at 5:00 p.m. usually at VHS. Check the calendar for location. Also, if you can’t make it right at 5:00pm, come when you can.

With the roster you'll have plenty of names to pick from to get a match together.

If you do not know your NTRP rating, please click here and send me an email at cheryl@wootenfinancial.com with your rating. That will help everyone to find players of their same skill level, or you can follow me on Twitter: @ACNtennismaven.

Click here for October's calendar!