“Groundbreaking Reads” is this summer’s theme at Porter County Public libraries in Hebron, Kouts, Portage, South Haven and Valparaiso. The 2013 Summer Reading Program is open to adults ages 18 and older, with programs, prizes, book discussions, and special events. Adults will sign up online and log the Library books they read between June 1 and July 31 to be included in prize drawings. Participants can also write reviews for the books they log and read what others have written so there’s never the question of “what do I read next?”
The adult program will run concurrently with the children’s program, titled “Dig Into Reading!” and the Teen program, titled “Beneath the Surface” so you can get your whole family involved! Registration begins online June 1 through our website at www.pcpls.lib.in.us. See our website or contact a branch library for more information about both the Adult and Youth Summer Reading programs, special Summer events and all that PCPLS libraries have to offer!