Home»Other»Porter County Museum Celebrates the Valparaiso Woman’s Club

Porter County Museum Celebrates the Valparaiso Woman’s Club

Womens-Club-1The corner of Washington and Jefferson has seen its share of activity over the years. As a gateway into the Central neighborhood for the downtown, the intersection is a place where domestic and civic life coincide. These two lives have found their meeting place in the Valparaiso Woman’s Club for well over 100 years.

The iconic home of the Valparaiso Woman’s Club has been the site of many community events through the decades, and Sunday, Dec. 15, the Club will host a celebration of its own history, put on by the Porter County Museum. The PoCo Muse will tell the inspiring story of the Woman’s Club at 2p.

Womens-Club-2Anyone curious as to what the inside of this wonderful home looks like will have the opportunity to tour the club rooms and be more than amazed at the incredible interior of this architectural treasure.

Members from the Valparaiso Woman’s Club will welcome the public from 1-4p, answering any questions about the work they do for the community. The members, who happen to be excellent bakers, will also provide refreshments. Come and learn about the amazing legacy of the Valparaiso Woman’s Club.