Purdue University North Central is offering a workshop for high school students and their parents that will help students who are undecided about their college major or career choices.
The Discover workshop is designed to give participants an inventory assessment of their interests, abilities, and values. The result of this inventory is a list of occupations that match those results. To prepare for each occupation, a list of college majors is given, plus colleges offering those majors. Instruction is given on using other parts of the program, as well as exploring four-year plans of study for each major.
Discover is a helpful tool that leads to making an informed, wise decision that will help eliminate "career confusion and major indecision." The Discover Program can also be helpful in assisting people wanting to make a career change. This computerized program has updated information on more than 500 careers, majors and colleges. Discover also provides a section on resume writing, interviewing techniques and links to many more articles and helpful websites.
There will be a workshop for high school students and their parents at PNC - Porter County, 600 Vale Park Road, Valparaiso, in the Graduate Building Computer Lab on Tuesday April 27 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
The workshop is free but registration is required.
Reservations may be made by calling Deb Kohler at 219-531-6500, or contacting Allana Burke at aburke@pnc.edu , or (219) 462-4197 ext. 5284.
Further information about Discover and workshop dates may be found at http://pnc.edu/discover.
Persons with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Kohler.