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Porter County and LaPorte County Tourism Bureaus Presenting R.O.S.E. Awards

Indiana-Dunes-Tourism-LogoIndiana Dunes Tourism, the official tourism bureau of Porter County, is joining with the LaPorte County Convention and Visitor Bureau to honor those who provide excellent service or otherwise go the extra mile to make the two counties great places for visitors and residents alike to enjoy.

More than 40 R.O.S.E. (Recognition of Service Excellence) Awards will be presented at the annual R.O.S.E. Luncheon at 11:30 a.m. May 10, 2012, at Sand Creek Country Club in Chesterton.

Awards will be presented to the two counties’ top restaurants, hotels, festivals, businesses, attractions, hospitality professionals and other individuals.

Entertainment will be provided by the Memorial Opera House in Valparaiso.

There are still a limited number of seats available for the luncheon. The cost is $40 per person at the door. To secure a spot, RSVP via e-mail to Ken Kosky at ken@indianadunes.com or call him at (219) 926-2255. Attendees are asked to indicate whether they would like to be served beef medallions, salmon, or pasta primavera.