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Portage YMCA Staff Dedicated to Service

Every story we get to tell has one common element- it is a public affirmation of something good. Sometimes that story line hits home even stronger than normal, when we have gotten to see those people first hand in action as we have with the Portage Township YMCA.

Sitting down the Portage YMCA Executive Director Dave Kasarda and two of his team leaders that have recently been promoted to the Director level at the Portage YMCA, Janet Grant, Membership Director, and Nancy Simpson, Marketing Director, gives you an immediate sense of how much a part of their family these folks have made the Y as they have grown.

Dave has seen it all in his 25 years at the YMCA, particularly the incredible growth they have seen in the last 10 years. The impact of the programs they offer now touches 15,000 people in Portage in some way or another, and the last decade has seen the operating budget grow from $380,000 to $2.1 million to drive those programs.

With membership just shy at 5,000, and a grass roots philosophy of growing their people like they do their community, Dave is recognizing Janet and Nancy for the Director role they have been doing incredibly well, and the dedication they have show to “put in the time and energy that it takes to use our resources to make the biggest impact.”

Janet Grant, Membership Director, will be celebrating 30 years with the Portage YMCA, serving in roles as diverse and charging through the years as gymnastics coach, managing membership and the front desk, and managing the toddler program. “I love what I do,” Janet smiles and says, a proud mom of her programs and involvement. “It started with my kids, and the kids will always be my passion. I still come back to coach a couple of nights a week. There is always a reason.” She has enjoyed watching, “how many kids make really good people…I get to see them through their graduation, weddings, children and watch them grow up.”

Nancy Simpson, Marketing Director, got introduced to the YMCA through her kids in preschool and as a member and Dave could see that Nancy had the personality and drive to take on the Marketing and Communications role, working with corporate partners, and has been involved at times with membership sales, coaching the cheerleading and coordinating many of their public events like the Portage Independence Day Parade, where they can reach out to others in the community.

I was attracted to the values and the learning involved with everything we do. We are always working to communicate that to more people, so that we can support all these great programs.” We at PortageLife have been amazed at how many programs are going on at one time in so many different facilities and Nancy has been incredible at keeping us in touch with them. She lives, breathes, and talks the concept of working together with us to put two good things together, which shows the philosophy runs through everyone on their team.

Dave is proud of the whole team that serves Portage, and has a lifetime of stories of how people like Janet and Nancy have impacted those around the community. “Come on out and see everything your YMCA has to offer,” he adds, “The best way to support what we do at the YMCA is to become a member.”

Visit the Portage Township YMCA on Facebook
Visit the Portage Township YMCA Website
3100 Willowcreek Rd
Portage, IN 46368
Phone: 219-762-9622

Congratulations to those two great ladies, a few of the leaders who will be forging the way forward for the Portage YMCA in the years ahead.