Welcome to Portage Press! The Greater Portage Chamber of Commerce hopes you enjoy our new weekly e-communication just for chamber members! Submit your newsworthy entries for FREE every Friday for our Wednesday blast to the entire membership!
Simply fill out the events form on our Contact Us page of our website. www.portageinchamber.com
New Twist to November Luncheon
Greater Portage Chamber
Please take note that the November Chamber Luncheon will have a little twist this month. The luncheon will be held at Texas Roadhouse in Portage at 11:30 am on November 21. Roberta Tuft, Portage Chamber's outgoing president and Mike Sarver, Portage Chamber's treasurer will present the 2013 "State of the Chamber". Please RSVP to the Chamber office at 219-762-3300 or e-mail nsimpson@portageinchamber.com.
Infusion Center Celebrates 1st Anniversary
Porter Regional Hospital
Porter Regional Hospital's Outpatient Infusion Center Celebrates 1st Anniversary
Porter Regional Hospital's Outpatient Infusion Center recently celebrated its one year anniversary. While chemotherapy patients comprise the majority of the Porter's infusion patients, the Center also provides a host of intravenous medications and treatments on an outpatient basis. Some of the other conditions treated include rheumatoid arthritis, various immune deficiencies, blood disorders and diseases requiring intravenous antibiotics.
"Free Yourself From the Pain of Shame"
Porter-Starke Services
On Tuesday, November 19, Porter-Starke Services will host its Learn@Lunch series with an informative educational lecture entitled, "Whole-Hearted Living: How to Free Yourself from the Pain of Shame" from 11:30-1:00 PM at Porter-Starke Services located at 3176 Lancer Street in Portage. Dana Samardzich, ACC, CPC, of Optimal Balance Coaching will be the featured presenter.
Please join us at this Learn@Lunch as Ms. Samardzich discusses shame and its impact on all people, as well has how society's expectations trigger and fuel shame. She will also teach us how to practice shame resilience. This Learn@Lunch topic is based on the work of Brene' Brown, Ph.D., LMSW.
There is no charge for the presentation. Please bring your own lunch. RSVP is required for attendance. For more information, please call (219) 476-4502 or email: aroof@porterstarke.org.
Super Sale
40% off Paints & Stains
30% off Painting Supplies
15% off "Inspired by Color" wall coverings
Friday Nov. 8th - Monday Nov. 11th
Mon - Fri 7am - 8pm
Sat - 8am - 6pm
Sun - 10am - 6pm
Contact Person Dave Gaught
Phone 219-762-6263
Email sw3287@sherwin.com
Members Reward & Gift Certificate Program
Portage Chamber
The Portage Chamber is updating its Member Reward Program and Gift Certificate Program. Please call Nancy at the Chamber office at 762-3300 if you would like to participate or if you have any questions. Increase your business visibility through these 2 FREE programs.
World COPD Awarness Day
Health Fair
St. Mary Medical Center
Pulmonologist Guarev Kumar, MD, will discuss symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment options for COPD in an informational seminar on November 11 from 14 pm at the St. Mary Medical Center Auditorium, West Entrance. Visit the educational health fair and participate in free screenings.
Contact Person Jane Powers
Website www.comhs.org
Phone 1-866-836-3477
Email jcpowers@comhs.org
Festival of Trees & Choco-O-Lots
American Red Cross and Kiwanis November 8 the Porter County Chapter of the American Red Cross and Valparaiso Kiwanis Sunrise Club will be hosting "Festival of Trees" and "Choco-O-Lots" again this year at the Old Town Banquet Center, 712 Calumet Ave., Valparaiso, IN. Chocolate tasting will begin at 4pm and the auction of decorated trees and wreaths as well as additional silent auction items, will begin at 5:30pm. Tickets available at 755 W. Lincolnway, Valpo. $10 per person or $20 per family, up to 5 people (2 adults and 3 children). Questions call Angie at 462-8543.
Homeowner's Applications
Rebuilding Together Homeowner applications for 2014 Portage Rebuilding Together are available now. Homes to be considered are to be owner-occupied and double-wide or mobile homes are considered. Eligibility requirements include applicant lives in Portage Township, have a household income of 80% of the median or less, have no outstanding real estate taxes and are unable to do the work themselves. You may get an application at South Haven and Portage Public libraries, Portage City Hall, Portage Township Trustee's office, Salon 360, and Nativity of Our Savior Church. For more information you may contact, Robin Wilkening at 219-762-1623, X22, Portage Trustee's office.
Annual Fall Dinner and Recognition Ceremony
A Salute to the Veterans and the City of Portage
Portage Chamber of Commerce
Invitations are in the mail for the Chamber's Fall Banquet taking place at Woodland Park on November 9 at 6:00 pm. Please RSVP for a great evening by October 31, 2013. Click here for sponsorship opportunities are available for this exclusive event. If you would like to contribute to the banquet but a sponsorship is not feasible, gift basket donations are also a great way to showcase your business. Donations can be dropped off at the Chamber office.
Reading Buddies Drive
United Way
The United Way's literacy program places new stuffed animals in the laps of 1st and 2nd graders in local elementary schools as Reading Buddies. The children read aloud everyday to their buddy to increase reading scores and motivation to read. In September over 3,000 buddies were delivered to schools throughout NWI but some of the Portage schools are on a waiting list until we can collect more stuffed animals.
We invite your company to host a drive so we can begin to fill the Portage school's orders. Please complete the attached form and we will deliver posters and "I Gave a Hug" stickers to you prior to your drive. When your drive is finished we will pick up the buddies, take a photo and post on the United Way website. Click here for an application. Any questions can be directed to mackenna@unitedwaypc.org or call 219-464-3583.
Recycling District and Barnes & Noble
The Recycling & Waste Reduction District of Porter County will mark the 2013 America Recycles Day with Barnes & Noble bookstore, with a free storytime and puppet show for children 11 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 16. Barnes & Noble is located in the Valparaiso Marketplace, 150 Silhavy Rd.
Contact Person Abe Paluch
Website www.ItMeansTheWorld.org
Phone 219-707-8278
Email apaluch@itmeanstheworld.org
Fall Decorations/Great Compost
Wast Reduction District of Porter County
We are reminding residents that all of those once-live fall decorations, such as pumpkins, gourds, leaves, mums, corn stalks, hay, etc., are accepted at either the Valparaiso compost site, 2150 W. Lincolnway, or the Boone Grove compost site, 546 South 400 West. Organic materials brought to the sites will be added to the compost windrows to create a rich soil amendment available free to Porter County residents to use in their gardens during upcoming growing seasons.
Regular season hours for the Valpo site are 9 a.m.to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays. Regular hours for the Boone Grove compost site, owned and operated by the district, are noon to 5 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays.
Under the Tree
City Point Church
Do you need help this Christmas purchasing presents for your children or know someone who does? City Point Church has created the "Under The Tree" project. For more information or to apply contact www.citypoint.tv or leave a voicemail for Pastor DJ Capron at 649-1148.
Family and Youth Services Bureau
The Family and Youth Services Bureau presents a Family Life Workshop on the topic "Identifying and understanding Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder". Treatment options as well as a complete overview of ADHD will be discussed on Nov. 19 from 6-7:30pm at the Family & Youth Services Bureau at 253 W. Lincolnway, Valparaiso. Please RSVP by calling 464-9585.
Vera Bradley Bingo/Holiday Open House
Rittenhouse of Portage
Join Rittenhouse on Saturday November 9 from 1-3pm
20 games of Bingo. Prizes will be Vera Bradley items. Tickets $20/advance;$25/door. If your not intersted in Bingo come browse the vendor booths to do some Holiday shopping. Open to the public. All proceeds are donated to Alzheimer's Associaton. Contact Person Judy Kukelka
Website www.rittenhousesl.com
Phone 219-764-2900
Email jkukelka@rittenhousesl.com
Caregiver Support Group
Millers Senior Living Community
Saturday, November 9 10:00a.m.
The Caregiver Support Group provides information in a supportive environment where caregivers can share problems, ideas and successful solutions. The public is invited to this FREE meeting. Refreshments will be served.
This ongoing Caregiver Support Group meets on the second Saturday of each month at 10AM at Miller's Senior Living Community at 5911 Lute Rd. Portage. For more information call Gwen Kiser at (219) 764-0628.
NEW! Event Planning and Hospitality Industry Marketing Campaign
Portage Parks Department
Portage Parks Department is looking for local businesses that provide services in the event planning and hospitality industry for a new marketing campaign. Businesses we are targeting include hotels, floral arrangements, DJs, lighting, party decorating, bars and restaurants, live entertainment, photography and printing services. If you would like us to showcase your business in a packet of materials that will be distributed to individuals and organizations renting our halls at Woodland Park give us a call. We will also post your information on our new website. There is no charge at this time for advertising with us. Please contact Lori Wilke at lwilkie@portage-in.com for more information or call 762-1675.
New E-mail Addresses
Portage Chamber of Commerce
Make note of e-mail changes....
Nancy Simpson
Mary Linoski
Terry Hufford
Upcoming Chamber Happenings
November 6th 9:00am - Rise and Shine, WorkOne presenting Business Assistance Programs at Portage University Center
November 9th 6:00 pm - Annual Awards and Recognition Banquet
November 21 11:30 am - Chamber Luncheon at Texas Roadhouse
November 28 & 29 - Chamber Office Closed
December 4 9:00 am - Rise and Shine, Scott McClure, Rhame & Elwood Estate Planning, the how and why at the IMAX Theater Conference Room
December 19 5:00-7:00 pm - Christmas Open House at the Chamber Office
December 24, 25 and January 1 - Office Closed
Help spread the word about our new email marketing benefit to Portage Chamber members. Go to Contact Us on our website and complete the Event Form to submit your entry. Entries should be in by end of business every Friday to be included on the next Wednesday's newsletter.
Thank you for continued support of the Greater Portage Chamber of Commerce.