Home»Business»Development»Portage Press July 31, 2013

Portage Press July 31, 2013

portage-chamber-portage-pressWelcome to Portage Press! The Greater Portage Chamber of Commerce hopes you enjoy our new weekly e-communication just for chamber members! Submit your newsworthy entries for FREE every Friday for our Wednesday blast to the entire membership!

Simply fill out the events form on our Contact Us page of our website. www.portageinchamber.com

In This Issue

  • Men's Tune-Up
  • St. Mary Medical Center
  • Ideas in Motion
  • Literacy Fair
  • MACU Summer Party
  • Bacon Fest Portage
  • Midwest Family FCU
  • Chamber Network Night
  • Rise and Shine Seminars
  • 2013 Cruis'n for Kids Camp

Upcoming Chamber Happenings

Men's Tune-Up Porter Regional Hospital

Family Medicine Physician Dr. Shane Bush will cover prevention, detection and treatment for all things 'men'. August 13 * 6 p.m. * Portage Hospital Bistro. 3630 Willowcreek Road, Portage To register call 1-800-541-1861. Karen Keltner 219-983-8630 karen.keltner@porterhealth.com

Common Foot Problems: My Painful Heel St. Mary Medical Center

Heel pain can occur for a number of reasons, including tendinitis, bursitis, plantar fasciitis, stress fracture and more. Join podiatrist Jared Moon, DPM, for an informative seminar and Q&A session explaining common foot problems that can cause heel pain. St. Mary Medical Center Noon, Auditorium Jane Powers www.comhs.org 1-866-836-3477 jcpowers@comhs.org

Ideas in Motion Media Launching Fourth Good News Online Community, NWIndianaLife.com

Ideas in Motion Media, publishers of www.ValpoLife.com, www.PortageLife.com, and www.LaPorteCountyLife.com, announced the launch date of their fourth exclusively-positive online community network, NWIndianaLife.com. NWIndianaLife.com will be dedicated to sharing the good news. http://www.portagelife.com/32294 Jenny Craig www.NWIndianaLife.com  219-707-5023 jenny@ideasinmotionmedia.com

8th Annual Financial Literacy Fair for Educators Centier Bank 8:30am-3pm 600 E 84th Ave Merrillville

*Free Registration

*Financial Literacy presentations that can be implemented directly in classrooms *Opportunities for one-on-one conversations regarding new and existing programs *$50 to the 1st 10 schools to help defray substitute costs Dian Reyome www.centier.com (219)755-6140 dreyome@centier.com

Celebrate Summer With MACU Members Advantage Credit Union 8/2/2013

Members Advantage Credit Union will be Celebrating Summer at their Portage location on Highway 6, in front of Menards. All community members are invited to visit the Portage branch from 11am - 2pm to enjoy an afternoon of FREE food, give-aways and more. Stop in our Portage branch for details! Roxanne Cantrell www.macuonline.org 219-762-6228 rcantrel@macuonline.org

Bacon Fest Portage Victory Christian Center 8/24/2013

Bacon Fest will feature Northwest Indiana food vendors with a special emphasis on Portage restaurants doing bacon themed items.There are still food and crafter spots available! Do not miss your opportunity to join area residents as we indulge in...Bacon! visit www.baconfestportage.com Danny Hendon www.baconfestportage.com 219-232-9757 dannyhendon@vccportage.com 

Midwest Family Federal Credit Union is Hiring!

Midwest Family FCU has an opening for a part time teller. (approximately 25-29 hours/week). Interested candidates should stop by the credit union at 2832 Willowcreek Road in Portage and complete an application or send their resume to Erica Wood, Vice President at: ericaw@mwffcu.org

Chamber Network Night is coming October 17, 2013. We are now selling booth space! Please contact us at 762-3300 to reserve your space.

Rise and Shine Portage Seminars Portage Chamber

August 7th at 9 am. We will be presenting a 1-hour topic of interest at the Portage YMCA. This is about tax deferred retirement savings for business and employees, presented by Edward Jones Investments. For more info call: 763-6238 Terry Hardin 219-763-6238 hardintd@msn.com

2013 Cruis'n For Kids Camp Portage First United Methodist Church

Portage First United Methodist Church is holding a car show on Saturday, August 3rd from 11am-4pm. Registration for cars is 9am-11am ($15/car) 100% of the proceeds will go to Royal Family Kids Camp which is a camp held every year for abused children. All cars welcome. Dash plaques & goodie bags for the first 25 vehicles. Trophies awarded at 4pm. Door prizes galore, food & fun for everyone. For more info call Steve Massow at (219) 742-0926.

Upcoming Chamber Happenings

  • August 15th Luncheon with our PTS Superintendent, Dr. Ric Frataccia giving the State of the Schools Address
  • Music in the Park -Every Tuesday at 6:00 pm at Woodland Park -see our website for more information

Click Here for Chamber Calendar

Help spread the word about our new email marketing benefit to Portage Chamber members. Go to Contact Us on our website and complete the Event Form to submit your entry. Entries should be in by end of business every Friday to be included on the next Wednesday's newsletter.

Thank you for continued support of the Greater Portage Chamber of Commerce.

Greater Portage Chamber of Commerce info@portageinchamber.com 2642 Eleanor St Portage, IN 46368