Home»Sports»Parks District and Club Sports»Portage Porpoise Swim Club Learn to Swim Registration for 2015

Portage Porpoise Swim Club Learn to Swim Registration for 2015

portage-porpiose-swim-clubThe Portage Porpoise swim club is holding learn to swim registrations all this week and next week for their new classes.

Classes run 6 weeks and range from M, W, F and T, TH from 5:30-6:15pm and 6:15-7:00pm and also Saturday mornings from 10:30-11:15 and 11:15-12:00. The prices range from $70 on Saturday, $90 for T, TH and $130 for M, W, F.

If anyone has any questions they can visit ppscswim.com or email Coach Landis at coachlandis@ppscswim.com.