Home»Sports»Parks District and Club Sports»Portage Pop Warner Registration Dates for 2013 Season

Portage Pop Warner Registration Dates for 2013 Season

footballRegistration for 2013 season will take place at Portage Public Library on:

Wednesday March 20th 6pm-8pm

Wednesday April 10th 6pm-8pm

Saturday April 13th 10am-1pm

Registration fee's are $245 for first child and $175 for each additional child

You receive $70 in family raffle tickets which you sell and keep the money

$50 in merchandise for each player (Example: Football gets a football jersey)Laughing

What you need to bring to register your child:

  1. Your child (so he or she can be measured and or fitted) Cheer and Football
  2. Birth Certificate (Even if you have given it before you must have it with you to register your child)
  3. Player contract (Filled out in blue or black ink only, including your email address and signed by parent and player)
  4. Medical portion of the Medical/Physical form to be filled out by parent.
  5. Either have physical done on the above form by a Physician and signed with Physicans address and phone number on form or bring $25 to have it done day of registration
  6. Your check, cash or Money order in the amount of $245.00

If you come without the above your child will not be registered!!

Also your child is not completely registered until you submit your childs report card. You will be advised at registration when this is due, you can mail your report card to us at P.O. Box 803 Portage, Indiana 46368