Home»Other»Portage Kiwanis Upcoming Events – Guest Days

Portage Kiwanis Upcoming Events – Guest Days

KiwanislogoDuring the dog days of summer, the Portage Kiwanis club will be having guest days at their Tuesday morning meetings. The club meets on Tuesday mornings at 7:30 am in the Porter Hospital, Portage campus, cafeteria. Upcoming programs for the meetings are as follows: August 2nd, Greater Portage Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, Terry Hufford – August 9th, Vice-President and Director of Public Relations for Porter County Cancer Society, Sandy McDade – August 16th, committee & project day - August 23rd, Principal of Blue Ribbon School Myers Elementary, Jeff King.

The club is currently working on 5 projects. They are collecting gently used books for the Portage Public Library, collecting coupons for the Portage Township Trustees office, condiment & comic collection for care packages for the troops, toiletries, game books, snacks for the Riley Children’s Hospital parent cart, and school supply collection for those in need.

If you would like to visit a meeting to learn more about Kiwanis and to find out how to get involved in the Portage community, contact Shannon Burhans at 219.781.3295 or email portagekiwanis@aol.com. Kiwanis is a global organization of members of every age who are dedicated to changing the world, one child and one community at a time.