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Portage Kiwanis to Host Mayoral Candidates

KiwanislogoThe Kiwanis Club of Portage is generally noted for community service projects. However, throughout the year, they host speakers for their members. One component of Kiwanis is allowing members the opportunity to network, as well as, giving them the opportunity to learn more about the community they serve.

On September 27th, the Kiwanis Club of Portage will be hosting current Mayor Olga Velazquez as the guest speaker for their meeting. The following week October 4th, the club will host mayoral candidate Jim Snyder. The club meets on Tuesday mornings at 7:30 am in the Porter Hospital, Portage campus, cafeteria. The club will also host State Senator Karen Tallian as a guest speaker on October 25. Guests are encouraged to attend, however, an rsvp is requested.

The club just recently completed several projects including; collecting gently used books for the Portage Public Library, condiment & comic collection for care packages for the troops, and school supply collection for those in need. They are currently working on collecting toiletries, game books, snacks, and blankets for the Riley Children’s Hospital parent cart, collecting coupons for the Portage Township Trustees office, and will begin the dictionary project for Portage Township School 3rd graders in the next few weeks.

If you would like to visit a meeting to learn more about Kiwanis and to find out how to get involved in the Portage community, contact Shannon Burhans at 219.781.3295 or email portagekiwanis@aol.com. Kiwanis is a global organization of members of every age who are dedicated to changing the world, one child and one community at a time.