Portage Jr. Miss Softball: Registration 2012 Sign Up Dates:
Sign ups will be held at Willowcreek Middle School Cafeteria:
Thursday January 19, 2012 6:00 to 8:00 PM
Saturday January 28, 2012 10 am to 4 pm
Saturday February 11, 2012 10 am to 4 pm
2012 Registration Fees Per Division
T-ball $45.00– Age 4 by Dec. 31, 2011
Coach Pitch $60.00-Ages 5-6 by Dec. 31, 2011
Gingham $75.00-Ages 7-8 by Dec. 31, 2011
Juniors $75.00–Ages 9-10 by Dec. 31, 2011
Minors $75.00-Ages 11-12 by Dec. 31, 2011
Majors $75.00-Ages 13-16 by Dec. 31, 2011
Seniors $95.00-Ages 17 and Up
Additional Siblings in the same household $40.00 each plus required fundraising per child. ALL PLAYERS MUST BRING A COPY OF BIRTH CERTIFICATE TO SIGN UPS!