On Wednesday, December 9, the Portage Exchange Club held its annual Needy Kids Christmas Shopping Project at the Portage Wal-Mart. This is the Club’s signature project. Nearly all the money raised during the course of the year through various fundraisers goes to this project.
While many organizations provide toys for children during the holidays, the Portage Exchange Club provides clothing. Going to school in ill-fitting or ragged clothing can make social interactions more difficult for children and make them the target of teasing or bullying.
This year the club spent about $6800. This amount was divided between 49 families with a total of 96 children.
With the help of the Portage Township Schools elementary Home-School Advisors, families are identified as being in need of assistance. Project Co-chairmen Brad Clapp and Max Gill sent letters to the parents, inviting them to come to the shopping event. The parents are told how much they may spend, based on the number of children in the family. They may purchase anything that the children may wear. From underwear to winter coats, from boots to party dresses, jeans, t-shirts, and hair bows, the parents select the clothing in the sizes and styles that will suit their children.
For some families, the clothes purchased through this project make the difference between having presents under the tree or having nothing new for their kids. Since the parents come while the children are in school, the clothes are surprises that can be from mom and dad or Santa or whomever the parents want to credit.
The Portage Wal-Mart assisted in the effort by allowing a generous discount to the club, as well as fulfilling a $1500 grant for which the club applied. They also provided a small bag of candy for each child in the family.
Two Wal-Mart cashiers, Adrienne Higgins and Jannine Love, have helped every year since the event was moved to Wal-Mart. They ring up the items quickly and efficiently, all the while providing warm smiles with their service. The members of the club help fold and bag.
“I always enjoy it,” Higgins said. “It’s nice to see the people so happy.”
The Needy Kids Shopping Project has evolved over the years. In 1986, two members of the Portage Exchange Club came up with the idea that instead of exchanging gifts with each other at their annual Christmas party, they would take those funds and purchase Christmas presents and food for a few local families in need. That year they shopped for food and presents for two families and delivered them. The members were so touched by the response of these families that they brought back to the club their stories and their enthusiasm. From this small gesture of giving, the club has continuously expanded this program and revised it along the way.
Unfortunately, the club cannot reach every Portage family in need. Fundraising efforts get harder and the need gets greater every year as the economy gets tighter.
If you would like to make a contribution to this worthy cause for next year’s shopping, you may contact Brad Clapp (219) 299-2220 (evenings) or (219) 916-9695 (days), or you may send the donation to Portage Exchange Club, Box 255, Portage, IN 46368.
The Portage Exchange Club also welcomes guests at its weekly meetings. They meet Wednesday at 7 a.m. on the first, second, and third Wednesdays of the month and at noon on the fourth Thursday at Miller’s Assisted Living Meeting Room, 5911 Lute Road, Portage. Most weeks there is a guest speaker as well as a short business meeting.