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Portage Exchange Club hosts annual “Stand Up for Children” forum

Portage Exchange Club hosts annual “Stand Up for Children” forum

On Thursday, April 14, the Portage Exchange Club hosted its annual "Stand Up for Children," a forum that brings together organizations and individuals who are passionate about preventing child abuse. The event was held at the meeting room at the Portage Police Department.

Prevention of Child Abuse Chairperson, Kathy Cox, opened the meeting with a prayer and The Pledge. Portage Exchange Club President, Debbie Podgorski, shared information about the goals and activities of the Exchange Club.

Amanda Alaniz, Superintendent of Portage Township Schools, encouraged the gathered partners in prevention to "intervene, not just be reactive. Let's decide as a community to reach out and be advocates for our children."

Mayor Sue Lynch offered a welcome and information about the city's latest project, an Outdoor Learning Center that will be located on the grounds next to the library. It is planned to have learning nooks for the educational component, WiFi, and be a Safe Place for all children and youth.

Other speakers included Chief of Portage Police, Mike Candiano, Chief of the Portage Fire Department, Randy Wilkening, and Executive Director of the Porter County Department of Child Safety, Louella Richey. Richey suggested many ways that the average citizen can help prevent child abuse, one being purchasing the Kids First license plates that help fund the work of the DCS. She asked the caseworkers to stand and be recognized, saying, "These case workers have the toughest job on the planet!" She also thanked the Exchange Club for putting up the Pinwheel Promise in the community.

Sandy Runkle, Director of Programs of Prevent Child Abuse Indiana, discussed the importance of global child abuse prevention council that can share ideas and support each other in their efforts.

Lisa Scheller, Program Director of the Dunebrook Parent Information Center in Michigan City, introduced their "new gung-ho lady, Heather Taylor, and the two showed a brief video about Dunebrook and talked about its Child Advocacy Center. "With the help of the Portage Exchange Club, we have met with the Portage Schools again and re-started our Stewards of Children Program. We help train adults to spot and deal with suspected victims of abuse." Taylor talked about ZOOM meetings being offered on Facebook.

After a short lunch break, Stephanie Murray, Director of Multi-tiered Systems of Support, discussed seeing the whole child with the social and emotional components. She helps organize and facilitate all items brought to the schools by the community. She helped Debbie Podgorski present gifts to the PTS guidance counselors and home school advisors. "These are the people who are right at the forefront of working with our school children, Podgorski said.

Stephanie Letic, a Portage Exchange Club member and also Director of Marketing of the Boys and Girls Clubs Indiana, introduced John Young, Director of Training and Development of the Boys and Girls Clubs and Adam Clough, Director of the Portage Club. Clough was the 15th member to sign up when the Portage Boys and Girls Club first opened.

Shannon Burhan, President and CEO of the Portage YMCA; Brian Brown, Regional Director of the Area II Department of Children's Services; and Mary Sandlin, Exchange Club member and Director of the Healthy Families Program of Portage along with Kathy Levesque, also spoke. Each speaker emphasized the importance of partnering with other organizations to provide a happy, healthy and safe childhood for all children. Kathy Cox closed with meeting with thanks to all for this opportunity to come together to support children, our future.