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Portage Community Spotlight: Board of Public Works and Safety

Portage Community Spotlight: Board of Public Works and Safety

Each Sunday we will feature a project going on within the city, happenings within a department or someone who works hard to provide services to the community. This Sunday we take a look at the city's Board of Public Works and Safety.

The five-member Board of Public Works and Safety has a myriad of responsibilities.

Established under state law, the board is responsible for paying the city's bills and entering into contracts.

Mayor Sue Lynch chairs the board. Other members are Shaunna Finley, Jamie Lewis, Steve Sonaty, and City Council Member Scott Williams. Members are appointed by the mayor.

Clerk-treasurer Nina Rivas serves as the secretary of the board.

While the board is responsible for overseeing the city's general finances, they tackle many additional tasks.

The board is responsible for approving public and private events, from parades to festivals and tag days.

It is also the board that hears bulk item appeals, considers solicitor permits, grants precious metal and gem permits, approves maintenance agreements for city equipment, maintains leases, approves major illness requests for city employees and purchases equipment, from police cars to fire department apparatus to office equipment.

The board regularly meets at 11 a.m. the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at Woodland Park, 2100 Willowcreek Road. Special meetings are called when needed. The public is invited to attend the meetings and they are broadcast via the city's Facebook page.