Home»Community»Serving»Portage Community Garden Produces 6,500+ Pounds of Food in 2015

Portage Community Garden Produces 6,500+ Pounds of Food in 2015

Portage-Community-GardenWell we are nearing the end of our growing season and I wanted to share our success with everyone. Although we fought the weeds with Gods help we were able to raise so far 6580.4 lbs. of veggies for the needy in NW Indiana.

We still have some beans and peppers growing and will produce additional poundage. So for the last four growing seasons we have produced 14956.4 lbs of fresh organic vegetables and donated all to help families in our area. Thanks to all who have helped over the years.

We still can use a lot of volunteers for fall clean up on Saturdays 8:30 to 11:30 for the next four to five weeks to get things ready for winter.