Home»Health»Specialty»Pink Ribbon Society Supports NorthShore Health Centers’ Breast Cancer Services with $10,000 Donation

Pink Ribbon Society Supports NorthShore Health Centers’ Breast Cancer Services with $10,000 Donation

Pink Ribbon Society Supports NorthShore Health Centers’ Breast Cancer Services with $10,000 Donation

On Friday March 10th, Ann Peters, President and Founder of the Pink Ribbon Society met with representatives of NorthShore Health Centers at the NorthShore Administrative Office in Portage to present them with a check for $10,000.

The Pink Ribbon Society is a Northwest Indiana nonprofit that supports local people affected by breast cancer. They do this by raising and receiving funds, and then distributing them to worthy organizations. This is the first in a series of checks to support NorthShore’s breast cancer diagnosis team. Depending on the need, additional funding may be issued in July.

“Pink Ribbon disperses money throughout the community in the ways that we think it will be best utilized. Obviously, mammograms are at the top of the list but we have multiple goals. After providing women with care, our second goal is to support them as they handle their diagnosis,” explained Peters.

The support of organizations like Pink Ribbon Society are especially important as needs are rising in Northwest Indiana.

“We did a study and found out that we have high rates of breast cancer in our area,” explained Dr. Sara Torabi, Radiation Safety Officer at NorthShore Health Centers. NorthShore Health Centers is a nonprofit organization that operates seven locations in Northwest Indiana that provide healthcare to everyone, including the underinsured and uninsured, and they also play an important role in fighting breast cancer.

“Our focus at NorthShore is under-served patients who cannot afford preventative care. This is a great help from Pink Ribbon in helping us provide quality care to those who cannot afford it,” said Dr. Kamaljeet Girn, MD, the Chief Medical Officer at NorthShore Health Centers and a Family Practice Provider.

One of the breast cancer services that NorthShore offers is $75 screenings during Women’s Health Week, taking place May 15 - 19. A breast exam, complete metabolic profile, pap test and mammogram are all included in the $75 screening. “This is a lifesaving screening,” said Peters.

Early detection and prevention is also important in fighting breast cancer. Locally, people are being diagnosed at younger and younger ages, such as in their 30’s.

NorthShore offers a diagnostic ultrasound so that patients can avoid radiation, a treatment too harsh for young people.

“We are here to serve patients with preventative care. We have a strong radiology and imaging team to help them here” said Dr. Sara Torabi.

“We hope to continue this partnership,” agreed Peters.

The Pink Ribbon Society is holding its next event on September 24th, the 16th Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Tea.

To learn more about the Pink Ribbon Society, you can visit their website or their Facebook page.  

To learn more about the important services that NorthShore Health Centers provide, you can visit their website at http://www.northshorehealth.org/