Home»Other»PCACS Hosts Free Presentation On “Crime Prevention for Seniors”

PCACS Hosts Free Presentation On “Crime Prevention for Seniors”

Porter County Aging & Community Services will host a presentation on “Crime Prevention for Seniors” by Porter County Sheriff, David Lain, on Thursday, September 2 at 1 p.m. at Rittenhouse Senior Living (1300 Vale Park Road, Valparaiso). Sheriff Lain will explain ways to avoid being the victim of a crime, when to contact the police, and the resources available through our local police force, etc. This is a FREE 60 minute presentation that is open to the public. pcacs_logo_little_001

This program is possible through funding from NWICA (Northwest Indiana Community Action). If interested, RSVP to Melissa Benefiel at Porter County Aging & Community Services at (219) 263-8300.