Ricci Emmons is the daugher of Nancy Emmons, Receptionist and Lead Scheduler at Comfort Keepers
During winter break my junior year at Anderson University I had the opportunity to go Guatemala with Tri-S (Study, Serve, Share-a ministry unique to AU that allows students to serve throughout the world). In Guatemala, the team I served with stayed in a small church in a tiny town where we built a structure next to the church for them to use for children ministry and whatever else. While there, we were also able to give shoes to some of the kids, teach the kids how to brush their teeth as well as do a couple Bible story skits. We were able to serve with a Guatemalan family that had ties to AU. The children of the family were hilarious and always made everyone laugh!
When I think about this trip though, I always think of the last night we were at the church. We had developed some relationships with the children and a few families in the area. Toward the end of the church service, my group was standing at the front of the church and each person of the church came forward and thanked us. Before they even came up I found myself crying. I didn’t get to know each person, but they all have left a lasting impression in my heart. I saw God in the church body.
Through those people, I found my passion. Missions. Ever since that trip I have been different. I came back changed by that tiny town and those amazing people. I have gone on other trips since which continue to change and mold me to be a better woman and servant of God.
I spent this past summer in Germany working with a university student ministry and since coming back I have found myself longing for something more. Over the course of a couple years (since returning from Guatemala) I have continued to randomly hear about this one opportunity called The World Race. Towards the end of August, I found myself reading blog after blog after blog and so on. I spent hours, days and eventually weeks reading these blogs. My heart began to intertwine with the racers. I got so invested in the racers that I began to cry with them as they left a month of ministry, I would laugh with them through their crazy World Race stories, and I was awestruck by their healing stories. My heart absolutely broke for the people all around the world that I didn’t even know. I began to long to be with the racers in countries that I never had a desire to go to. Through these blogs, God was working in my heart and changing my desires for His people and even myself.
Well, after many weeks in prayer, I finally jumped into God’s arms and filled out an application for my own race. I was interviewed and received a life changing call. I was accepted on The World Race. I jumped and God caught me.
I was excited at first, but then my excitement turned into fear. Let me go through the stages of freak out through the day:
- Whoooo!!!!! I’m going on the Race!!!!!
- Why did I ever think that was a smart idea to do? I had a plan! Go back to school, get an actual job, go from there.
- It’s ok. God’s with me. He will comfort me.
- How am I going to pack a year of my life in a backpack and a daypack? How the heck am I going to pay for this? $15,500 plus travel to training camp, shots, medicine, gear, insurance, travel to departure city, etc.
- God is good. God will provide. He has everything under control.
- Crap, I have to get more shots!
- Why did you apply? This is a race for radical people with a radical faith, not you.
- Oh, but think of all the children you will get to meet and love! Think of all the people that are waiting for you to spread the Gospel. You have to go!
“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” -Isaiah 6:8
So here I am saying to God, “Send me!” I’m experiencing every emotion know to man right now. But, above all, I’m excited to see what God will do in this next season of my life.
“The stirring in your soul has left you wondering
Should you stay or turn around
Well, just remember that your dreams they are a promise
That you were made to change the world
So don’t let fear stop you now”
“This Is Not Goodbye” by Sidewalk Prophets
To find out more about the World Race, click here.To learn more about Ricci's Race Route, click here.