Opportunity Enterprises just completed its 47th year of providing services for children and adults with developmental disabilities in Northwest Indiana. The past year has been filled with the following successes for the agency and its program participants:
Provision of more than 1.1 million hours of service for children and adults with disabilities
Creation of 100 new staff positions and the hiring of its 500th employee
Investment of $12 million dollars of its $16 million dollar budget into staff wages and benefits, which in turn is invested into the community through taxes and commerce
OE added nearly 150 program participants to services
OE’s early intervention program, All About Kids, provided 3,750 hours of physical, occupational, speech, and developmental therapy to 150 children
The Respite program that provides relief to primary caregivers grew by 300%
When another agency was forced to close their residential programs, OE stepped in and within days found appropriate roommates and accessible housing for 22 men and women with disabilities from Northwest Indiana
OE transportation service provided more than 36,000 round trips to more than 300 individuals who otherwise wouldn’t have the resources to get to medical appointments and their jobs, an increase of 13% over the previous year
The JobSource community employment program provided job seeking, development, placement, and retention services to nearly 300 adults with disabilities across 8 Northwest Indiana counties. 56 new job placements were secured, 73% of whom earn higher than minimum wage with an overall retention rate of 93%
OutSource, the facility-based vocational training program, served an average of 275 adults on a daily basis. This program is currently in the process of obtaining its ISO certification
Financial savings were realized through the rebidding of all vendor contracts, which increased the benefits available to employees and the financial stewardship of donor dollars
Investment in new cloud based technologies and additional technology equipment across the agency has also increased financial stewardship as well as staff efficiencies
For more information about any of these programs, please visit www.oppent.org.