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OE Runners Pasta Dinner Raises More Than Expected

oe-runners-2014-oneThe Opportunity Enterprises Runners Pasta Dinner fundraiser on Friday, April 11 far exceeded the expectations of the organizers. Thanks to generous donations and the support of the community, they raised $2,017 for the Opportunity Enterprises All about Kids program.

The All About Kids program is a program that seeks to promote a coordinated, family-focused service delivery system for infants and toddlers from birth to three years that have a significant developmental delay, a physical or developmental disability or have the risk factors for a delay or disability.

oe-runners-2014-twoLindsay Ellis from OE explained to the attendees how their donations help local families. The band "The Fabulous Sock Monkeys" provided entertainment as the crowd enjoyed a meal prepared by Chef Billie Ross and took their chances on winning raffle prizes. A good time was had by all for a good cause.

Heather Hobson, Tammy Niemeyer and Doug Early organized the dinner as their personal fundraiser for OE's Chicago Marathon team.