Home»Sports»Parks District and Club Sports»OAR Run for Scholorships – Satalite 5k

OAR Run for Scholorships – Satalite 5k

OAR logoJoin the RUN FOR AUTISM for it’s inaugural RUN FOR SCHOLARSHIPS-- Satellite 5K, to mark April’s Autism Awareness Month. No fundraising required, although you're welcome to set up a page if you're interested in doing so. This run is meant to be FUN! Runners and walkers alike will participate by hitting their neighborhood sidewalks, local running trails, or even the treadmill for a 5K during the month of April. The goal of this 5K is to help the Organization for Autism Research fund ten additional scholarships for individuals with an autism diagnosis pursuing post-secondary, undergraduate education.

Your tax-deductible $30 entry fee gets you a special, customizable RUN FOR AUTISM race bib to wear during your 5K and a finisher’s coin to commemorate your efforts. All proceeds will go toward's OAR's autism scholarship program.

Ready to rally? Gather a group of your friends and family and register for the RUN FOR SCHOLARSHIPS today!

OAR is a national non-profit that provides practical information to the autism community by funding research studies whose outcomes offer new insights into the development of individuals with autism, with an emphasis on education, social life, and employment. OAR's information programs provide guidance on the best therapies and treatments for those living with autism.