New Prairie HOSA- Future Health Professionals is proud to announce the students who have qualified for the International Leadership Competition (ILC). Students competed at the State Leadership Conference in April, with top performers earning a spot at ILC. Originally the ILC was scheduled in Houston, Texas June 23-26, but will now take place virtually due to Covid restrictions.
The mission of HOSA is to empower HOSA-Future Health Professionals to become leaders in the global health community through education, collaboration, and experience. Students have the opportunity to compete against other students in various health related events. Aside from the experience and recognition, students can also earn scholarships to various academic institutions.
New Prairie has both high school and middle school students competing at ILC 2020. Although several students qualified in multiple events, students can only compete in one competitive event at ILC.
Follow New Prairie HOSA on their Facebook page to see the many exciting things they are doing and the success students have at ILC. You can also learn more about HOSA at
Contact Tonya Aerts at if you would like to become involved with NPUSC HOSA.
High School competitors and their event include:
Madalyne Andrysiak, Physical Therapy
Sofia Barcevic, Health Career Photography
Amira Bernard, Clinical Specialty
Taylor Dencer, Extemporaneous Poster
Riley Gumm, Health Education
Emily Hayes, Community Awareness
Allison Hein, Pharmacology
Petra Hemphill, Researched Persuasive W/S
Hillary Hodum, Community Awareness
Grace Jones, Epidemiology
Helaina Kuntz, Health Education
Avery Mougin, Human Growth & Development
Makenzie Scarborough, Medical Reading
Eira Schmidt, Human Growth & Development
Elizabeth Sehi, Clinical Specialty
Robert Smith, Cultural Disparities

Middle School competitors and their event include:
Myles Aerts, Health Career Display
Maggie Bauer, Math for Health Careers
Isabella Beall, Medical Terminology
Owen Chalik, Math for Health Careers
Kendel Coursel, Health Career Exploration
Matthew Dettinger, Health Career Display
Sawyer Edwards, Medical Terminology
Kaylee Hoggard, Health Career Display
Anna Jasnieski, Healthy Lifestyles
Brittany Kasinger, Health Career Preparation
Hannah Kole, Medical Reading
Brooklyn Mayfield, Life Threatening Situations
Kayleigh Michael, Health Career Display
Ava Morton, Life Threatening Situations
Lydia Schmidt, Math for Health Careers
Marcus Sehi, Nutrition
Brynn Smith, Medical Terminology
Morgan White, Nutrition