The Well, a Christian Community has served the city of Portage for nine months. In an effort to reach busy millennials and families, the church is changing its Gathering time (worship service) to Saturday evenings at 6 pm. In an age when young people are leaving the church, The Well is determined to reach those who might attend church if only it weren’t held on Sunday mornings. Pastor Kevin August says the new non-traditional Gathering time will fit better with the busy schedules of people’s lives. “We know that people have obligations on the weekend such as work, sports, birthday parties, and family dinners, but they can still have a meaningful worship experience with God.”
While technically a church, The Well describes themselves as a “Christian Community” similar to those in ancient days when people gathered in the streets and houses to learn and worship together as described in the Bible’s Book of Acts. The setting is relaxed and informal. Children and parents sit together. The Bible is presented through story telling so that everyone can understand. Participants engage in discussion, sharing their observations and deciding how to apply the message to their own lives today. The Well also worships through prayer, song, giving, and sharing The Lord’s supper.
Jan Zurek, who attends The Well said, “it’s authentic, biblical, and different. I appreciate that the experience is based on the bible rather than tradition. The message is easy to understand but it’s not watered down.” Another attender Keith Brutout shared, “we follow the formula each week called S.O.A.P. – Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. We really think about the implication the message has for ourselves and it’s making an impact on the people who attend whether they are young, old, beginners, or life-long followers.”
“Research suggests that many people are curious or seeking for something more in their lives. Our hope is to come along side those who are thirsting for spirituality and share the Christian perspective of that spirituality with them,” August added.
The Well gathers on Saturday evenings at 6:00 pm at The Portage Township YMCA building at 3100 Willowcreek Rd Portage. Learn more about The Well on Facebook, their website,, or call 219.246.8926. Everyone is welcome to come as they are.