Taking an innovative step to ensure that short-term, emergency housing services are available in Porter County, the Board of Directors of Christian Community Action (CCA) recently approved a management contract with Porter-Starke Services. Under the terms of the one-year agreement, Porter-Starke will provide professional services at Spring Valley Shelter including mental health and addiction case management, financial accounting and building maintenance.
“We are excited to form this working relationship with Porter-Starke,” commented Shawn Wagoner, CCA Board Chairman. “Their level of training and expertise will benefit our organization and our residents, especially those with mental health or addiction challenges,” said Wagoner.
Spring Valley Shelter will continue to be guided by Shelter Director Erin Miller, who manages the staff and the day-to-day operations of the facility.
Several Porter County non-profit organizations, including Housing Opportunities, Christian Community Action, Porter-Starke Services, The Caring Place, Porter County Community Foundation and United Way of Porter County are developing a plan to ensure that Spring Valley Shelter and the important services they provide continue to be available.
“Working in a spirit of cooperation and collaboration, these organizations are focusing on providing a continuum of housing services that begin with emergency assistance and ends with with securing permanent housing,” said Wagoner. “This collaboration will help us find an effective and efficient solution to addressing this need in our community.”
A fund has been established at the Porter County Community Foundation to accept monetary contributions to help support this initiative.
The Porter County Community Foundation leads, unites and supports giving to make a difference in Porter County today, tomorrow and forever. For more information about the Porter County Community Foundation, contact the Foundation at 219-465-0294 or visit online at www.portercountyfoundation.org.