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New Addition To Porter-Starke Facility

Rocky Schiralli, President/CEO of Porter-Starke services hosted the ribbon cutting for the new addition to their facility in Portage

"We'll be using this room for educational purposes, training purposes, multi-groups, family groups and experiential therapy, so we will make tremendous use of this space in particular," Rocky said of the new addition.

Porter-Starke has been a forerunner for promoting the realities and treatment of mental health, without differentiating between the important of both physical and mental health. Given that mental health issues affect twenty-five percent of the population directly, not to mention indirectly, it's integral that our community continues to support organizations like Porter-Starke that we may make our area a better place to live.

Rocky gave his thanks to all the attendees, including Congressman Pete Visclosky, Mayor Olga Velazquez, the board of directors, all the partners such as United Way, Health Link and Porter Hospital as well as the Porter-Starke staff.

Congressman Visclosky is a long time supporter of Rocky and Porter-Starke alike, and he agreed that, "You have made our community a finer and gentler place to live."

“I strongly believe that we all deserve an opportunity to live the most fulfilling, productive life we can," Visclosky said, "Northwest Indiana is fortunate to have an organization dedicated to helping our residents do just that. I’d like to thank the leadership and staff of Porter-Starke Services for your continued commitment and dedication to the people and communities of Northwest Indiana.”