Home»Community»Education»NAWIC Block Kids Building Competition to be Held at Liberty Elementary

NAWIC Block Kids Building Competition to be Held at Liberty Elementary

Block-building-Tribune-Photo-Dana-GilbertsonLast school year, Liberty Elementary second grader Aubree Gentry was pictured being judged by local architect Dave Kinel of Gerometta and Kinel Architects of Chesterton at the Northwest Indiana Chapter of the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) block building event.

This year, The Northwest Indiana Chapter of the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) will again sponsor its annual NAWIC Block Kids Building Competition at Liberty Elementary School on Thursday, Feb. 28 from 5:50-8:15 p.m. This free event is open to all Duneland School boys and girls in grades 1-4.

Participants will have an opportunity to create a building project using interlocking types of “micro” size blocks, to be interviewed, and then judged by men and women working within the construction industry.

This program was developed by NAWIC in an effort to create an awareness of and to promote an interest in one of the many facets of the construction industry. Information and registration forms for this free event are available in each Duneland Elementary School Main Office by request and online at www.duneland.k12.in.us under District Announcements.

Tribune photo by Dana Gilbertson