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The Tech Factor at Myers Elementary School

IPadRecent research has shown that the effective use of technology in the classroom can and often does lead to improved performance on the part of students. While this is quantifiable in ways such as test scores, other studies have also reflected an increase in creativity, empowering students to become increasingly independent problem solvers as a positive byproduct of effectively deploying technology.

As has been reported previously, Portage Township Schools has both figuratively and literally “bought in” to this concept and is in the process of rolling out a multi-year implementation of a 1:1 iPad initiative. This has been a landmark investment in the enhanced education of Portage students and in the professional development of Portage educators. Its effects will more fully equip our students to succeed and lead for years to come, and open those previously locked doors to their future.

Here at Myers Elementary, as with all PTS elementary schools, teachers have been issued iPads to use within the classroom for instructional purposes, and student devices are part of the not-too-distant future of this initiative. Teachers here are already putting them to use in ways such as apps which allow students to create as the students of today become the innovators of tomorrow.

Most recently, fifth grade students in both Mr. James Asbury’s and Mr. Phil Dietrich’s classes have learned the art of graphic design as they have produced publications which are both informative and eye-catching! Students in all classes will continue to create and refine, making them competitive with their counterparts both nationwide and internationally.

After all, creating 21st -Century learners is the Portage Way!