The Munster Theatre Company of Munster High School is pleased to present its first production of the season, the comedy, Fuddy Meers by David Lindsay-Abaire. Produced by Larry A Brechner, this full-length, student directed production will feature Munster High School seniors, Katie Taylor as the show’s director, assisted by Eric Etter. The Novice production features the talents of over eighteen new freshman and sophomore actors (or juniors or seniors who have never been on stage before).
It tells the story of an amnesiac, Claire (Tonia Cordova), who awakens each morning as a blank slate on which her husband, Richard (Ben Nichols) and teenage son, Kenny (Harry Goldenberg) must imprint the facts of her life. One morning Claire is abducted by a limping, lisping man, Zach (Tariq Collins), who claims her husband wants to kill her. He takes Claire to her mother, Gertie (Rachel Borgo) who suffers from aphasia and is unable to speak clearly. They meet Millet (Tyler Reinsma), a kind man with an apparent mental disability and often speaks using a puppet. Meantime Heidi (Kendall Goldberg), posing as a police officer, attempts to stop Richard and Kenny from reaching Claire. The audience views the ensuing mayhem through the kaleidoscope of Claire's world. The play culminates in a cacophony of revelations, proving that everything is not what it appears to be.
The play's title "Fuddy Meers" is Gertie's attempt to pronounce the phrase "funhouse mirrors".
Fuddy Meers will run Tuesday & Wednesday, September 21 & 22 at 7pm in the Munster Auditorium. Tickets are $5 at the door and are available at the Auditorium Box Office on performance nights or by calling: (219) 836-3200 x3245 or by email
- Rachel Borgo, Tonia Cordova, Kendall Goldberg, Ben Nichols, Tariq Collins, Tyler Reinsma, Harry Goldenberg (Clockwise from Front)
- Kendall Goldberg, Tariq Collins, Tyler Reinsma
- Ben Nichols, Tonia Cordova, Harry Goldenberg
- Tonia Cordova & Rachel Borgo
- Rachel Borgo & Tariq Collins