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Memorial Day Cupcakes

Welcome to Cupcake Tuesday! If you are new here, grab a cup of tea or a glass of milk and enjoy a cupcake!

Summertime is upon us here in Indiana. Do you have a Memorial Day Cookout to go to? I sure hope so, because I have the perfect Memorial Day Cupcakes for you.

How about Hamburgers with a side of Corn on the Cob? And it wouldn’t be a picnic without ants, right? Once again, I started with the ideas from the What’s New, Cupcake? and Hello, Cupcake books. I also found the hamburger cupcakes on Flickr.

Would you like to learn how to create these fun and easy cupcakes? Great, I made a How-to Video to help.

How fun! I think they would be a hit at any Memorial Day get together, summer picnic or even Fourth of July party!

Corn on the Cob Cupcakes:

  • Assorted yellow and white Jelly Belly Beans
  • Yellow Starburst or Laffy Taffy
  • 2 Corn Cob holders for decoration
  • Frosting tinted Yellow with Wilton coloring
  • White and Black decorating sugar, optional (I didn’t use this)

Hamburger Cupcakes:

  • Yellow and Chocolate Cupcakes
  • Frosting tinted Red with Wilton coloring
  • Frosting tinted Yellow/Brownish with Wilton coloring
  • Shredded Coconut tinted green
  • Apple Juice for dipping
  • Sesame seeds

Picnic Ants Cupcakes:

  • Chocolate Covered Almonds (found in Bridge Mix, or other oval shaped chocolate candy)
  • Frosting tinted Green with Wilton coloring
  • Frosting tinted Dark Brown with Wilton coloring
  • Shredded coconut tinted green
  • Watermelon candies (we found them at Walgreens)