Home»Community»Serving»Members of St. Peter Lutheran Church Prepare the Church for Fall 2015

Members of St. Peter Lutheran Church Prepare the Church for Fall 2015

St-Peter-Lutheran-Church-Halloween-Collage-2015Several members of St. Peter Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) in Portage have given of their time and talents to beautify the inside and outside of the church for Fall. After putting in some new plants along the south side of the building, they were assisted by members of the Portage Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (MCJROTC) in filling it in with 2 yards of decorative stone.

The students finished their shoveling and then enjoyed a lunch provided by the ladies.

October is Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) Month, and the women set up a display in the narthex of the church, showcasing all the activities in which they are involved. Besides church beautification, some of these include: Mastectomy Pillows given to local hospitals for cancer patients; Prayer Shawl Ministry, in which shawls and lap robes are made and given to those in need of a “hug from God;” donations to the Portage Food Pantry; food and gas cards for those in need; Mite Boxes filled with change sent to the National LWML for their projects; the annual St. Peter rummage sale. They also enjoy fun and fellowship with monthly brunches at various restaurants and other activities such as the Trunk or Treat coming up October 24.