This weekend, while perusing around the web, I came across Cartronix’s blog, where I found a nice little PDF that details some of the short cuts on the Blackberry.
I’ve been a Blackberry user for nearly a year now and I can say that using these shortcuts have certainly made things easier for me. I am all for shortcuts and anything that can keep me from scrolling everywhere with my track ball. Here are a couple of my favorites:
- You can zoom in and out using your volume buttons
- Rotate your picture by pressing L
Web Browsing:
- Save a web page to a message list – Press S while browsing
- Move to the top of a web page – Press T while browsing
- Move to the bottom of a web page – Press B while browsing
- To copy: Press the Alt key and use your track ball
- To paste: Press the Shift key and use your track ball
- Capitalize letters by holding down the letter
You can check out the Cartronix Blog here, or click here to view the Blackberry Tips and Tricks PDF, which you can print out and keep with you.