Give that New Year’s resolution a better chance of sticking by signing up for Franciscan Health’s Aspire tobacco cessation program, a multifaceted approach to quitting smoking.
Aspire is designed to help people break free from addiction and move toward a healthier life. The program is a combination of four weeks of classes held virtually, followed by four weeks of support group. The cost is a one-time fee of $50.
Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of premature death and disease in the U.S. It substantially increases the risk of developing cancer, coronary heart disease and stroke. Approximately one in five Indiana residents are smokers, putting Indiana in the top 10 of most prevalent smoking states.
Most people try to quit seven to 10 times before they are successful, but each attempt is a learning experience, not a failure. By using a non-judgmental, personalized approach, Aspire will help you:
· Find renewed confidence in your ability to quit.
· Develop a quit plan.
· Manage withdrawal symptoms.
· Learn to cope with your triggers to smoke.
· Learn new skills to remain tobacco free.
Classes will be held virtually for four consecutive Wednesdays, beginning on the following dates:
· January 13, 5-6 PM
· April 7, 12-1 PM
· June 14, 12-1 PM
· Oct. 13, 5-6 PM
One-on-one appointments are also available. To enroll in the Aspire program, email or call (219) 662-3733. Learn more, download a free guide and take a quiz by going online at