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Links of the Week: MySpace, the Burger Wars, and the NCAA’s Most Profitable Basketball Teams

Oh, March Madness, how we love thee.

Yesterday was likely the most entertaining day of college basketball in the history of sports. Heck, it could have been the most entertaining day of sports in the history of sports. From 11am through late night, there were 16 basketball games played. 10 of those games were decided in the final minute of play. Two games were decided on buzzer-beaters. A 14-seed, 13-seed, two 11-seeds and a 9 seed won, with a 15-seed taking a 2-seed into overtime, where the 2-seed needed a slew of questionable calls to escape with a win. What a day in sports.

And today, we can do it all over again. And tomorrow. And the next day. Oh, March Madness, how we love thee.

Oh yeah, here are your Links of the Week:

I can't decide if the person who made this really likes Steve Jobs or really doesn't like Steve Jobs. Either way, I don't think there's room in the middle.

Here is a great piece from the New York Times on Donald Glover, one of the funniest comedians around. He is on the underrated NBC show Community, and was a writer for 30 Rock for a couple of seasons. I follow him on Twitter: he recently had to change his name from @DonGlover (for obvious reasons) to @MrDonaldGlover. Probably a smart move.

I love these articles from the mid 1990's, back when people would say "Oh, the Internet. What a fad." 15-20 years later, whoever wrote that looks extremely shortsighted. This is why I avoid writing anything like that about Twitter or Foursquare. Just in case.

Because we love lists: the NCAA's most profitable teams in the NCAA tournament. There are some surprises in there, especially the University of Minnesota having the 5th-most profitable program, and the University of Louisville making $16 million on their program. Neither of these programs are really elite.

Can you tell me if this commercial was made in the 1970's, 1980's, or 2010? Super cheesy.

This week, I started what is known as a 'Twitter Public Humiliation Diet'. In short, I post my weight on Twitter for the world to see a couple of times a week. I couldn't think of a more effective method of dieting (you know, except for eating right and exercising some). Anyway, I was thinking how absolutely delicious a Burger King Doublebaconcheeseburgerwithjustbaconandcheese sounded and thought to myself "No!". Then I stumbled across this graphic from Gizmodo- I am so happy I don't live in Texas, otherwise all I'd think about was burgers.

Hey look! How to order a beer in 50 languages.

Do you remember when MySpace used to be bigger than Facebook and Twitter combined? My, how the mighty have fallen...

Great piece on my favorite sports writer, Bill Simmons, in The Atlantic. It's probably a bit long for a feature on a sports writer, but in fairness, the reason why sports blogs are so commonplace today is because of his style of writing and how "big" he got between 1999 and 2010. Great read.