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Light on After School

Children, parents, grandparents, educators, community leaders, policy makers, celebrities and others across the country will come together at schools, community centers, parks, malls, state capitols and elsewhere on October 21 to participate in the 11th annual nationwide rally for afterschool programs. Since the Afterschool Alliance organized the first Lights On Afterschool in 2000, it has grown to include more than 7,500 events across the country and at U.S. military bases worldwide. Lights On Afterschool is the only nationwide rally for afterschool programs. ymca-new-logo-blue

As being a large provider of afterschool programs in the community, the Portage Township YMCA will be recognizing and celebrating this event in our Y-Care/K-Care (School Age Child Care) Program. Our Y-Care program will showcase our participants work around the YMCA they will also be creating light bulbs that will explain their favorite memories of the YMCA. We will also be waiving the registration fee (a savings of $15) for all new participants of the Y-Care and K-Care programs in addition; if you register for Y-Care or K-Care and enroll in a Primary Plus membership, we will waive the membership joiner fee for the weeks of October 18th and October 25th.

The Y offers before and after school care (Y-Care) for children in grades 1 thru 8 enrolled in one of the six Portage Township Elementary Schools that are located in Portage, Nativity and Portage Christian. The program provides guided, structured and educational activities in a safe and secure, fun environment with low child to staff ratio. Children can be dropped off before school as early as 6:30 a.m. and picked up after school as late as 6:00 p.m. Y-Care is held at Aylesworth (serving Aylesworth, Willowcreek and Central), Jones (serving Jones, Crisman and Kyle) and Myers (serving Myers, Nativity, Fegely and Portage Christian). Y-Care can be used with K-Care to meet the needs of Kindergartners. K-Care is designed to care for Kindergarten students during the school day hours they are not in class and it is held at the Portage Township YMCA. Program fees vary according to hours of usage. For details regarding this program, please contact Amanda Glasser at 219-762-9622 or at Amanda@ymcaofportage.org. For more information, explore our website at www.ymcaofportage.org or fan the Portage Township YMCA on Facebook.