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Lifestyle Choices

Pear-DietPeople have asked me about lifestyle choices. Some think they are just about eating right and exercise.

I wanted to list all lifestyle choices that can cause health concerns so you have them all in one place. If you think I missed anything, please feel free to share with our readers.

Think about each choice as you read it and rate yourself 1-10 (1 doing an awful job and 10 a perfect job). This can help you do a self assessment and see where you might need to improve.

  • TOBACCO USE - never
  • ALCOHOL USE - moderation
  • DRUGS - only those prescribed
  • DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, or other emotional problems - unless a medical/hereditary issues you are in control of your own happiness. No one can make you happy but you. Make an effort to decide to be happy.
  • SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES - definitely a choice.
  • OBESITY OR WEIGHT - time to make a change?
  • NUTRITION - no excuses, you know what to do (water included in this)
  • EXERCISE - most days of the week, both strength, cardio and flexibility.
  • SUN SAFETY - I’m the worst…wear your sunblock!

Be sure to talk to your doctor is you have questions or concern about any of these lifestyle choices. Work on keeping these in check every day of your life.

If you wander, come back.

Marci-CrozierMarci Crozier was a popular contestant on NBC's The Biggest Loser - Season 11. She was the first woman in BL history to reach her goal weight while still at the BL ranch. Marci's expertise in the fitness and weight loss industry was developed during her 28 years as the General Manager of a large, regional fitness facility in Indiana. She is a highly respected, engaging motivational speaker who has inspired sales teams, business professionals, and student athletes, as well as those individuals struggling with personal fitness and weight issues. View her blog here!