Home»Other»Lakeshore Drive Radio – IIM Media Publisher on 89.1 FM Jan 11

Lakeshore Drive Radio – IIM Media Publisher on 89.1 FM Jan 11

On Wednesday, Ideas in Motion Media Publisher Chris Mahlmann joined Tavis Buchan on The Lakeshore 89.1 FM’s "Lakeshore Drive" program, which runs Monday through Friday from 4:00pm - 5:30pm, to talk about the Life websites, Northwest Indiana, and partnering with several groups in the region.  He connects with Tavis every Wednesday at 4:40pm in a partnership between LakeShore and the LIFE sites.

Click the play button below and tune in to the segment!

On this segment, Chris talked about Gary mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson's presentation to the Gary Chamber of Commerce, PNC's  Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Activities Random Acts of Kindness Week, Feb. 13-17 , and Chris's article about Traits That Make People Nice to Work With. He also mentioned the iPad contest that is coming soon!