Craft beer lovers had a reason to rejoice on Thursday.
Lagunitas, the brand with one of the best IPA’s on the market, has finally come to Valpo! And there’s no better way to celebrate their arrival than at Duffy’s for a launch party. Duffy’s was filled to the gills, so to speak. It was clear that people in Valpo know a good beer when they see it.
Duffy’s was full of fun to be had at the Lagunitas launch party. Not only could you grab a glass of this impeccable IPA, but there were also plenty of games and fun prizes to be had. Indiana Beverage handed out some information cards about Lagunitas IPA, and each of these cards had a number on the back. Here’s where the fun came in. Periodically, someone from Indiana Beverage would call out one of the numbers and give a special Lagunitas themed prize to the person with the corresponding card. In addition to that, you could play War with special Lagunitas playing cards, and the winner would be able to claim a prize.
“We want this event to really show the Lagunitas philosophy,” said Jung Lee, brand manager for Lagunitas at Indiana Beverage. “And that’s a philosophy of fun!”
It’s no wonder that Lagunitas is building the largest craft brewery in the world. This brewery will be able to produce one million barrels per year! Just let that sink in for a second. One million barrels of the most delectable beer being produced every year! The best part is it’s being built in Chicago. That’s right; the largest craft brewery on the planet will be right in our own backyard!
If you ask any craft beer connoisseur, they will tell you that Lagunitas is the beer to taste. Their IPA is a favorite among all kinds of craft beer drinkers, novice and expert alike. This IPA is what’s known as Lagunitas’ flagship beer, to put it in other words, the first beer that they ever brewed. It’s easily one of the must have beers, and now it’s available at Duffy’s right here in Valpo!
Currently, Lagunitas is only available on draft. However, we can expect bottles of this glorious IPA on April 1. There's a pretty impressive reason as to the delay on the bottles.
“The packages of beer will be available in April because there’s so much demand for Lagunitas that it’s hard for Petaluma brewery to keep up with the demand,” said Lee.
So there you have it, one of the most sought after beers has come to Valpo! Make sure you go out and get a glass of Lagunitas IPA.