Moms and moms-to-be who would like to learn about all that La Porte Hospital has to offer when it comes to having a baby are invited to explore a new site: The site is mobile-friendly and easy to navigate via desktop computer as well.
There, women can review the profiles of OB/GYN physicians and nurse midwives, request an appointment, register for classes, and sign up for e-newsletters full of healthy information and tips about pregnancy, prenatal care, and having a baby.
The Birthing and Family Care Center at La Porte Hospital is the newest unit at the hospital, beautifully decorated with hardwood-colored floors and soothing, natural colors. The center features a centralized security monitoring system for infant safety; 10 spacious hotel-like suites for labor, delivery, recovery, and post-partum; private bathrooms and showers; two whirlpool tub suites for water labor and birthing; two family refreshment centers; three medical observations/examination rooms; and foldout couches for a support partner. Complimentary Wi-Fi is always available.
In addition to natural childbirth classes, breastfeeding classes, and childbirth preparation classes, this year, the Birthing and Family Care Center is welcoming babies born in 2017 back to the hospital for a Baby’s First Holiday Party, complete with free photos with Santa, refreshments, and holiday fellowship with other parents and hospital staff. The program takes place from 5:30-7 p.m., Dec. 11 in La Porte Hospital’s main lobby, 1007 Lincolnway, La Porte. It is free and open to the public. For more information, visit, or call 219-326-2435.