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It’s Here… Freaky Fun Zombie Run!

ZombieRun2012(6)The Portage Parks & Recreation Foundation will be hosting a 5K Extreme Run, the 2nd Annual Freaky Fun Zombie Run, on October 19, 2013 at 4 pm. Runners will experience the challenge of one of Imagination Glen’s Outback Trails, as well as, several strategically placed obstacles.

Runners will endure mud, water, rough terrain, an army crawl, oh yes and Zombie’s to name a few. After the race, runners can enjoy food and beverages in the beautiful setting of Imagination Glen. Registration forms can be found on the City of Portage’s website and typing Zombie in the search or email us for a copy. Early registration deadline is September 28. The early registration fee is $30, which includes a t-shirt, food & a beverage.

Participants are encouraged to dress in costume. Group entries are encouraged. Prizes will be awarded for top 3 runners in each age category, largest group, and best costume. Additional information can be obtained by emailing PortageParkFoundation@aol.com or by calling 219-781-3295. Anyone interested in volunteering as a zombie or to help with the race can email us for additional information.

The Portage Parks & Recreation Foundation supports the park department by creating a Pathway to the Future!