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Indiana University Northwest Hosting a Free STEM Camp

IUN-Stem-Summer-Camp-2018 This summer, high school students can steal a chance to learn how exciting it is to have a career in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) field. Indiana University Northwest is hosting a STEM Camp on July 30 through August 1 in the Library Conference Center. This interactive experience is open to incoming sophomores, juniors, and seniors of all backgrounds--and it’s completely free.

p> Made possible by an award from the National Science Foundation (NSF), this camp will help fulfill the award’s goal to increase the number of underrepresented minorities pursuing STEM majors and careers. The camp reflects initiatives of NSF’s Louis Stokes for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program. LSAMP is designed to address the shortage of historically underrepresented minorities receiving baccalaureate degrees in STEM and significantly boost the number of STEM graduates. LSAMP offers identified STEM majors who qualify the opportunity to receive a stipend while conducting research in their major.

Teens from underrepresented minority groups, including African American and Hispanic students, are encouraged to attend the IUN STEM camp. The camp offers a free, enriching opportunity for students to get tangible, first-hand experience in the STEM field.

The STEM camp will feature hands-on activities and experiments in biology, chemistry, computer information systems, informatics, math, and geology. With the guidance of knowledgeable faculty members current in their fields, students looking to pursue STEM careers can gain valuable experience. Camp leaders hope that students, especially those who are underrepresented in the field, will get a taste for all the excitement that majors and careers in STEM provide.

Last year, the camp offered such activities as the Chemistry of Smells, the Biology of Smells, Mystery Architecture, Chess, and Computer Coding. The curriculum was met with success and enthusiasm. This year is sure to have even more fun surprises in store.

Camp times are 9am to 2pm. Materials and lunch are provided for the students. Registration is open until July 22--RSVP now, while there’s still time! As an exclusive opportunity, registrants can also apply for 2019 STEM camp admissions once onsite. Again, registration for 2019 STEM camp is completely free.

To learn more, call 219-980-6740, or email lsampiun@iun.edu. To register, visit iun.edu/StemCamp2018.