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In Memory of Declan…

The picnic and dedication of the renovated Children's Room at The Caring Place Shelter, in honor and memory of Declan Faherty, was a tremendous success last Thursday evening.

In April 2009, The Caring Place lost one of its most valued volunteers, Declan Faherty, to a tragic accident. Each week, Declan spent a few hours with children in the Community Program - playing games, teaching, and simply being a friend and positive male role model to children who needed it most.

Our sincere thanks goes to the thoughtful monetary, in-kind material, and labor contributors who were honored with a special plaque that will hang in the Children's Room - acknowledging these extraordinary individuals.

  • Mike Bell, Bell Construction, Inc.
  • Scott and Stephanie Braming
  • Howard Gutenstein and Family
  • William Lawrence
  • Marc Loesche, Hardwood Interiors
  • Dave Owen, Owen Painting
  • Larry Rinker, Custom Craft
  • Mauri and Jan Stump, Tudor Floors-Carpet One
  • Rondi Wightman and Greg Stinson
  • Wayne Wilson, Wilson Construction