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IEDC Pipeline: Indiana Ambassador Program Keeps Growing

state-flag-indianaOnly a few short months ago, the IEDC created a new program to encourage our community leaders to advocate Indiana as a great place to do business. Today the Indiana Ambassador Program has over 130 members consisting of entrepreneurs, investors, academics, attorneys, architects, non-profits and beyond. Essentially, it's a way to build partnerships and drive initiatives to benefit both business and the state.

This program has huge potential, and as the number of Indiana Ambassadors grows, our capacity to reach more business contacts outside the state grows exponentially. We've already had our first negotiations with a new company as a result of the program, and we're thrilled to witness so much enthusiasm and support from our new members. People are excited about it, and we're excited to see where it can go.

If you'd like learn more about Indiana Ambassadors, and the possibility of becoming one, contact the program coordinator, Meghan Freeman at mfreeman@iedc.in.gov , and join the ranks of those contributing to what I believe is one of the most important outreach efforts we can make.

It's a great point of pride to live in a state where we're working together to promote our continued success, and yet another reason it's great to be a Hoosier.

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