PortageLife.com is a new community-based website, focusing on an exclusively-positive view on the people, places, organizations, and businesses serving Portage, Indiana. We look to be a central hub for all of the great information out there and tell all of the great stories for businesses serving Portage.
PortageLife.com is entirely sponsor and advertising supported. For non-profit organizations and groups, we will publish anything and everything to help spread the word of the positive things they are doing for the community. We ask for content submission, event coverage, and general coverage of for-profit businesses to be accompanied by advertising support so we can continue to tell all the great stories in Portage.
There are a variety of ways for your business to be involved with PortageLife, from site sponsorship and advertising (and all of the advantages that come with those) to free business listings and free coupon offers.
Every company can have their business listed in our business listings at no cost. If you can send your logo, hours, location, and general information to listings@portagelife.com, we can make sure your business is listed when that area of the site is launched.
- Every company can run coupons promoting a special offer, discount, or other promotion at no cost on our coupons page. These are free to users of the site and we encourage their use among businesses and site users. If you are interested in this, send your logo and offer to advertising@portagelife.com and we will get you set up in no time.
- Our website banners start at under $4 per day and reach a growing audience who want to see the positive aspects of Portage. ValpoLife.com, our inaugural site, saw instant and consistent growth of about 15%-20% per month and we anticipate word spreading faster on PortageLife.com. Contact advertising@portagelife.com or call us at 219.707.5023 if you’d like more information.
- Newsletter banners start at $50 per run and you can reach this growing market on Portage’s largest exclusively positive-news source and can give high visibility to your business or organization. Contact advertising@portagelife.com or call us at 219.707.5023 if you’d like more information.
- Featured Profiles give your business or organization a storefront, so to speak, on PortageLife.com and can be a central hub for all of your events, articles, and contributions to the community. Contact advertising@portagelife.com or call us at 219.707.5023 if you’d like more information.
Every business who markets itself with PortageLife, we extend the ability to post events, articles, videos, blogs, and other content to share your story and expertise with the Portage community.All of this information, and more, can be found in the PortageLife Media Kit.
If there’s something we’re missing that you think would be a great fit on the PortageLife business section, send our Business Editor an email or give us a call and let us know what you think! We publish anything as long as it’s positive and connected to the Portage community.