Home»Entertainment»Gatherings»Holiday Spirit Comes to Whiting as Little City on the Lake Hosts Annual Illuminated Christmas Parade

Holiday Spirit Comes to Whiting as Little City on the Lake Hosts Annual Illuminated Christmas Parade

One of the most wonderful things about the Christmas season just might be the memories that it evokes. Maybe it’s the lights that we recall from Christmases past. Or the decorations – gold and silver tinsel, shiny glass ornaments, bells and sleighs and garland-decked trees glimmering with the twinkle of hundreds of tiny flickering lights. Maybe it’s the music, those same familiar songs we’ve heard for years, and maybe even sang with our loved ones at parties well-remembered.

For many, some of their fondest memories are of the annual holiday parades. With Snoopy, reindeer, snowmen and – the guest of honor himself – Santa Claus making a very welcome early visit, before returning to the North Pole to make final preparations for his big night.

Click here to see more photos from the 2015 Whiting Illuminated Parade.

Most holiday parades take place during the daytime. But Whiting, well-known as the home of that wonderfully quirky little event known as “Pierogi Fest,” tends to do things just a bit differently. Whiting holds their annual Christmas Parade at night.

“Our annual Illuminated Christmas Parade is always held the first Friday of December,” says Mark Harbin, Whiting’s Event Coordinator. “The parade features animated and lighted floats, performers and live reindeer; a first for this year. The parade begins at 119th and Davis Avenue, and continues along 119th to the end in front of our city hall, where we will have our official tree lighting ceremony.”

“Of course, the parade will also feature Mr. & Mrs. Claus, who will be available to visit with the children after the parade. The children will be able to see the live reindeer, and Mrs. Claus will be handing out snacks and treats, as well.”

“And the best part is that this is really just the beginning of the events that we have scheduled for the holiday season. We also have photos with Santa, Breakfast with Mrs. Claus, and we’re especially proud to feature our 'Small Town Christmas' event on December 12th, featuring a walking tour, ice sculptures, the live reindeer will return and more.”

Sherry L. of Highland, Indiana made the trip to Whiting to watch the parade with her daughter Megan. “I grew up here, and my mother still lives right here in Whiting. It’s always been my home, and we come back for every event – the 4th of July parade, Pierogi Fest, and this Christmas Parade. It’s really just such a great little town.”

Sirens blared as two police cars and one of Whiting’s fire trucks lumbered down the avenue to lead off the parade, followed closely by the Ghostbusters, as children waved and laughed, darting cautiously forward to snatch up candy tossed out to them by costumed participants as the parade rolled on: huge lighted reindeer, a tugboat, even a truck full of wreaths, with a softly glowing, inflatable snowman all gliding by until finally, the man of the hour, Old St Nick himself, arrived in front of Whiting city hall.

After a few brief words from Whiting’s mayor, Joseph Stahura, who welcomed Santa to their town, and joined him in a countdown to the tree lighting.

“Ten, nine, eight…” the crowd chanted in unison. “Seven, six, five….” The excitement mounting on the faces of the children as they all looked anxiously towards the tall evergreen in front of the city hall. “Four, three, two… ONE!” they cheered as the tree flickered to life, followed by applause.

Mayor Stahura beamed as he watched the children line up to visit with Santa. “You know, it’s all about the kids. We do this every year… we try every year to do something different, something interesting. We had a good turn-out this year. The weather really helped, and stayed warm for us so that the folks could come out here and bring their families and enjoy the parade.”

The crowd began to thin out as the last of the children got a smile and a hug from Santa before walking back to their cars with their parents.

Christmas day may still be a few weeks away, but the when it finally does come to Whiting, the spirit of Christmas will already be here, waiting.

For more information on Whiting’s festivals and special events, visit them online at http://www.whitingindiana.com/calendar/.